What breastfeeding tips does a lactation consultant have?
Breast milk is the healthiest form of nourishment for a baby. It contains essential nutrients and antibodies.
It is a good idea to gather information about breastfeeding during your pregnancy. Educate yourself on the differences between breast milk and formula. If you would like, we can guide you through the choice between formula feeding or breastfeeding your baby. You can also attend one of our information evenings. At Femme Amsterdam we organise weekly breastfeeding information evenings for our clients. These are organised by lactation consultant Heleen Hilgers.
Breastfeeding is a skill which you and your baby will need to learn. Together with your maternity nurse, we will assist with latching on and will provide plenty of information and tips. If you have decided to breastfeed your baby, we will aim to have your baby placed on your chest within an hour of delivery. This ensures the release of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone which stimulates the production of milk. To establish your milk supply, it is important to nurse your baby every 3 hours.
Lactation consultant
Are you experiencing difficulties nursing your baby? Are you wondering if everything is going well? You can schedule an appointment with lactation consultant Heleen Hilgers. She is a professional in the field of breastfeeding and can provide you with expert advice and assistance with breastfeeding issues.
If you would like to breastfeed, it is useful to know that rooming-in is a possibility. Rooming-in means your baby will sleep in the same room as the mother. This allows you to be near to your baby and pick up on signals when your baby wants to drink.
There are several types of formula on the market. It is a good idea to choose a brand of formula before your baby arrives and purchase the infant formula number 1. We do not advise a specific brand. All formulas in the Netherlands satisfy all legal standards. For experience we can advise you to look into the sugar amount between formula brands, some baby reacts with more cramps on a lot of sugar in formula. Sometimes your baby can also be milk intolerant if they have an abnormal amount of cramps. If you are not sure what’s normal you can always contact us, also after the first week of labour. Avoid changing brands frequently, this can also upset your baby’s stomach.
Your maternity nurse can instruct you in preparing the bottles. He or she can also advise you which bottles and nipples are suitable for your baby. This varies per baby. A hungry baby or fast-drinking baby requires a different nipple size than a slow-drinking baby. It is best to wait until your baby has arrived before purchasing a large supply of bottles and nipples. Note: for the first few weeks, always buy nipples suitable for new-born babies.
Your baby will be given formula shortly after birth. This bottle contains approximately 10ml. Together with your maternity nurse, we will increase this gradually by approximately 10ml every 3 hours per day. The number of feeding sessions always depends on your baby’s weight and age in days. Your baby will drink up to 100ml of formula per feeding. After the maternity period, the children’s health clinic (consultatiebureau) will help you increase your baby’s intake further.