Extra care
We have experienced that this collaboration in a team with several healthcare providers is of great importance for (future) mothers. If desired, you will be referred to an expert healthcare provider within the practice and when peculiarities arise, direct consultation can take place with one of the midwifes of Femme Amsterdam.
You decide
Because every pregnancy is different, you can choose during your pregnancy where you want to receive extra care. With the Excellent package you receive six credits, and with the Premium package you receive twelve credits, which you can use to book consultations with our extra healthcare providers as you like. One woman loves to go to the acupuncturist alone to prepare for childbirth and the other prefers personal nutritional advice early in the pregnancy, an acupuncture session against nausea, a first aid course, possibly with a partner and some extra. book massages. Everything is possible. We can of course advise and help you with your choices.

Nutritional advice
Of course you want the very best for your (unborn) child, but don’t forget yourself either. This means that you have to pay close attention to your diet during your pregnancy. Some nutrients you need more now, while others are better left. Make an appointment with our nutritionist Sharon Looijen. She can give you more information about which influences and lifestyles influence your child.
During pregnancy the form of your spine and pelvis will change. This can cause physical complaints. Like pelvis, back or neck pain, but also shirt breath, braxton hicks, bladderproblems or problems with digestion. A treatment with our osteapath can relieve this problem. The osteapath will make sure that the mobility in your body improves. Because of this it is more easy for your body to relax and your baby will get all the space he or she needs to develop well. When you are curious if a treatment can make sense for you then don’t hesitate to contact our Osteapath Anne-Marie Sassen.
Pelvic floor physiotherapist
During pregnancy an giving birth there is a big chance you will develop complaints with your pelvis or pelvic floor. Research show that 67-89% of the pregnant women experience pain in the pelvic area in the third trimester. Also vaginal labour increases the risk of pelvic floor dysfunctions. To take advantage on this complains we recommend you to do a screening around 20 weeks of pregnancy with our pelvic floor physiotherapist Anna Keijsers. Our advice is to also meet her six weeks after birth. Every Monday Anna Keijsers is available for you on Femme-Amsterdam. She will give you advice and exercises to make sure your pelvis an pelvic floor are fine.
Being pregnant is often a wonderful experience. At the same time, it is quite exciting for you and your partner. Emotions and uncertainties can play a role in this. Do you feel insecure, do you have trouble making choices, do you feel down or do you have little energy? We work together with Coach Robin van der Loos. Even if your pregnancy or delivery did not go as you had hoped, coaching from Robin can mean a lot to you.
Massage and yoga
Femme cooperates with massageboutique the Rub. They own a special pregnancy massage table, which makes sure you can enjoy your me time to the fullest. A massage will relax you, but also gives an energy boost ans self-confidence. It decreases backpain and the massage itself can be a special moment to make contact with your baby in the woomb. Studies showed that 80% of our problems are blocked emotions, a massage can help to unblock. The Rub will give you awareness and insights. The Rub will help you to get a good balance between mind, body and soul.
Professional help with breastfeeding
Have you undergone a breast augmentation or breast reduction? Did you have too little or too much production when feeding your first child? These are all examples of questions for which the lactation consultant can already provide you with a post partum plan during pregnancy. But also after your pregnancy, the lactation consultant often comes in handy. Are you experiencing problems while feeding your baby? Are you unsure whether feeding is going well? You can also make an appointment with lactation expert Heleen Hilgers. Our lactation expert is a breastfeeding professional. She will advise you during your pregnancy and guide you during breastfeeding. She explains more about latching, expressing or milk production. Together we look at what is best for you and your child and what makes you feel good. She takes the condition of your baby into account and understands that breastfeeding is not always the first priority. She will support you in every choice.
First aid course
For busy mothers, fathers and grandparents who want to receive practical tips, know how to act, or who to call in the event of an accident, the evening workshop is an ideal way to learn a good foundation about providing First Aid for babies and children. The workshop is interactive in nature, so you can help determine the content of the evening.