What can osteopathy help me with?
An osteopath looks at your body as a single entity and knows which tissues are connected. Our osteopath, Anne-Marie Sassen, can help you before and during the pregnancy and after giving birth to your baby. Treatment is also available for your new-born baby.
Osteopathy and fertility
Are you struggling to conceive without a medical indication? A consultation with our osteopath can help. Fertility is strongly influenced by hormones, blood flow and mobility of the uterus and ovaries. When these become less mobile by traumas such as an abdominal or pelvic operation or infection, conception can be hindered. An osteopath restores mobility with soft, targeted adjustment of your lower back, pelvis, and abdominal organs. Treatment positively influences your hormone system and promotes transportation of the egg to the uterus. For back and pelvic discomfort before pregnancy, it is also a good idea to visit Anne-Marie, our osteopath, in order to prevent pain during the pregnancy.
Osteopathy during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the shape of your spine and your pelvis is altered to accommodate your growing baby. This can cause various physical ailments such as pelvic, back and neck issues, shortness of breath, Braxton Hicks contractions, urinary issues, or digestive issues. Treatment from our osteopath can offer relief and will ensure that your body is capable of handling the pending changes. The osteopath will increase the mobility of your body on all fronts. This will allow you to increase relaxation during pregnancy and will give your baby more room to develop. Are you interested in finding out how osteopathy can help resolve your pregnancy ailments? Feel free to contact Anne-Marie Sassen for more information.
Osteopathy after delivery
Are you experiencing physical discomfort after the birth of your baby or have your ailments worsened? This includes pelvic pain, pain in your neck, back or shoulders, incontinence, and tenderness in the breasts. Our osteopath can help you with a treatment. She can also help you with scarring from a caesarean birth or an episiotomy (incision during delivery). An initial treatment with the osteopath can be scheduled approximately 6 weeks after delivery.
Osteopathy for your baby
Is your baby suffering from cramps? Is your baby crying often or sleeping poorly? This can be very difficult, especially if you aren’t sure what is causing your baby’s distress. These problems can be caused by things such as a delivery that went too fast or included difficulties. The small vertebrae in your baby’s body may have become unbalanced. The osteopath will use a gentle technique (massage) to relax your baby’s body and allow him or her to move without pain or discomfort. Results are often directly noticeable.